Effie Jane McNELONS
(1855-1939) |
Effie Jane McNELONS
• Alt. Birth, 1849, , Taney County, Missouri, United States. • Alt. Birth, 1 Aug 1855. 5 • Alt. Birth, 1856. The U.S. Federal Census in 1860 lists her as four years old. • Census: 1860, 21 Aug 1860, Finley, Webster County, Missouri, United States. 2 • Census: U.S. Federal, 12 Jun 1900, Hill Township, Johnson County, Arkansas, United States. 1 • Census: U.S. Federal Census, 11 May 1910, Hill Township, Johnson County, Arkansas, United States. 3 • Census: U.S. Federal, 2 Mar 1920, Mulberry Township, Johnson County, Arkansas, United States. 15 • Census: U.S. Federal Census, 3 Apr 1930, Mulberry Township, Johnson County, Arkansas, United States. 16 • Alt. Name: Effie O'Conner, 7 Jan 1938, Davenport, Lincoln County, Oklahoma, United States. 14 Otis Eldredge listed his mother's maiden name on his SS-5 as "Effie O'Conner." • Alt. Name: Effie J. Macknell, 2 Jul 1942, Friley, Johnson County, Arkansas, United States. 8 • Alt. Name: Effie Cornelius, 22 Jun 1960, Fresno, Fresno County, California, United States. 6 Otis Eldredge's granddaughter, Doris Stewart Thiessen, listed his mother's maiden name on his death certificate as "Effie Cornelius." ![]() Effie married Levi Thomas ELDREDGE, son of Otis ELDREDGE and Catharine CLAPP, about 1 Oct 1879.1 (Levi Thomas ELDREDGE was born in Jan 1845 in , Clark County, Illinois, United States,4 17 died on 1 Sep 1925 in , Madison County, Arkansas, United States 4 and was buried in Spoke Plant, Johnson County, Arkansas, United States 4.)
• Alt. Marriage: , Edgar County, Illinois, United States. |
1900 U.S. census, Johnson, Arkansas population schedule, Hill, enumeration district (ED) 36, p. 36, dwelling 86, family 86, Levi T. Eldrege; digital images, Ancestry (www.ancestry.com : accessed 5 Dec 2009); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T623, roll 64;
Levi T. Eldrege, 55, was living with his wife, Etha J., 44, and children, Otis, 17, Joseph, 12, Mary J., 14, James M., 13, Marshall M., 8, and Thomas, 7 months old and Hill Township, Johnson County, Arkansas. We was a farmer. He and Etha had been married 20 years and Etha had borne eight children, all of which were living. He was born in Illinois, his father in Ohio, and his mother in Illinois. Etha was born in Missouri, her father in Ireland, and mother in Indiana. The children were all born in Arkansas. Otis, Joseph and Mary J. could all read and write as could their parents. Levi owned his farm free of mortgage. His farm was enumerated on farm schedule 63.
1860 U.S. census, Webster, Missouri population schedule, Finley, dwelling 908, family 904, Joseph H. Conner; digital images, Ancestry.com (www.ancestry.com); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm M653, roll 660;
Joseph (aged 57, TN) and Effie (aged 65, NC) live with their children, Caroline (aged 18, MO) and Joseph (aged 14, MO) and their grandaughter, Effie (aged 4, MO), Jane's daughter. The post office was Norma. He is a farmer and owns $920 in real property and $555 in personal property. Grandmother Effie can read and write and both children have attended school.
1910 U.S. census, Johnson, Arkansas population schedule, Hill, enumeration district (ED) 57, p. 9B, dwelling 105, family 105, Levi T. Eldredge; digital images, Ancestry (www.ancestry.com : accessed 24 Dec 2009); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T624, roll 54;
Levi T. Eldredge, 65, a farmer, and his wife, Effie J., 55, were living with their children, Robert C., 31, William H., 28, and Levi T., 12 and William's wife, Blanche, 37, and their son, Jeff Davis, 5, in Hill Township, Johnson County, Arkansas. Levi and Effie had been married 30 years and Effie had born nine children, eight of whom were living. William H. and Blanche had been married eight years and Blanche had borne four children only one of which survived, her son, Jeff Davis Eldredge. The sons, Robert C. and Levi T. were single. Levi was born in Illinois, his father in Ohio and mother in Illinois. Effie was born in Missouri, her father in Ireland and mother in Indiana. William was born in Texas but Robert C. and Levi T. were born in Arkansas. Blanche was born in Arkansas as was her father and son but her mother was born in Illinois. The sons all work as farmers. All of the adults could read and write.
Autumn Dipert Brown Photograph, 2006; digital image, privately held by Autumn Dipert Brown, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Greensboro, North Carolina;
Effie J. Eldredge
Aug. 1, 1855
Dec. 3, 1939
Levi T. Eldredge
Jan. 16, 1844
Sept. 1, 1925;
Photographs taken on trip by Autumn Dipert Brown to Madison and Johnson Counties, Arkansas on 31 Aug 2006.
5 Hope Hodgdon Creek, "Madison County, Arkansas Cemeteries, Annotated-Illustrated-Indexed, Volume IV of the Boston, Dutton, Pettigrew, Kilgore Gap, Radford (nr Red Star), Pine Grove (nr Spoke Plant) and Evans (Johnson County) areas" (typescript, 2001, Autumn Dipert Brown, Greensboro), p. 158.
California Department of Public Health, death certificate 10081481 (1960), Otis Eldredge; California Office of Vital Records, Sacramento;
Otis Eldredge died 22 Jun 1960 at 10:28 p.m. at the General Hospital of Fresno County, Fresno California where he had lived the last 15 years of his life. He was a white male born 26 Nov 1882 in Arkansas to Levi Eldredge and Effie Cornelius. Levi was born in Illinois and Effie in Missouri. His Social Security number was 448-07-3650. He was a farmer for 40 years and his wife preceded him in death. He had never served in the Armed Forces. His last residence was 703 11th St., Orange Co., Fresno California. The informant for the death certificate was Mrs. Marvin Thiessen. He was buried 27 Jun 1960 at Smith Mountain Cemetery by Cairns Funeral Home. His cause of death was pulmonary and renal embolism with infarction.
Oklahoma State of Oklahoma, Department of Health, death certificate 03093 (1981), James Martin Eldredge; Oklahoma State Department of Health, Oklahoma City;
James Martin Eldredge, a 93 year old white male, died 1 Feb 1981 at 4:10 a.m. at Stroud Nursing Home in Stroud, Lincoln County, Oklahoma. He died of acute myocardial infarction due to coronary artery disease. He was born 31 Jan 1888 in Arkansas to Levi Eldredge and Effie Jane Evans [sic] Eldredge. He was a widower. He was a farmer and did oilfield work and resided in Stroud at 416 N. 7th. His social security number was 443-14-7419. The informant was James Eldredge of Rt. 3, Stroud, Oklahoma, 74079. He was buried on 3 Feb 1981 at Davenport Cemetery by Keith Schroeder at Curry Funeral Home, Box 487, Stroud, Oklahoma.
Arkansas Department of Vital Records, (Birth Certificates, Autumn Dipert Brown, Greensboro), (1890), Robert Cornelius Eldredge;
Robert Cornelius Eldredge was born in Friley, Johnson County, Arkansas on 20 Jan 1890 to Levi Thomas Eldredge, aged 49 (a farmer born Paris, Illinois) and Effie J. Macknell, aged 37 (a housewife born in Marshfield, Missouri). All five of the children born to Effie including this birth were alive. Inda Acord, his Aunt living in Spoke Plant, was the witness. The certificate was signed 2 July 1942 and filed 23 Jul 1942.
Arkansas Arkansas Department of Health, death certificate 197005601 (1970), Levi Thomas Eldredge; Arkansas Department of Health and Human Services, Little Rock;
Levi Thomas Eldredge died 8 Mar 1970 at 1:10 a.m. at his home at 317 E. Allen in Springdale, Arkansas. He was a white male born 20 Sep 1897 in Friley, Arkansas to Levi Eldridge and Effie McNeelis. He was a retired farmer with the Social Security number 431224036. He died of A.S.H.D. heart failure. He also had emphysema. He was buried 10 March 1970 at Friendship Cemetery in Springdale, Arkansas by Nelson's Funeral Home, Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Hope Hodgdon Creek, "Madison County, Arkansas Cemeteries, Annotated-Illustrated-Indexed, Volume IV of the Boston, Dutton, Pettigrew, Kilgore Gap, Radford (nr Red Star), Pine Grove (nr Spoke Plant) and Evans (Johnson County) areas" (typescript, 2001, Autumn Dipert Brown, Greensboro), p. 152;
Evans, Jane (fieldstone, "called Black Granny," may have been Indian but all census records listed her as white; nee CONNER; had one dau Effie J. McNEELIS before she md Josiah Evans; Effie md Levi Eldredge & both buried in Evans Cem.)
Inabell Stewart Williams, editor, Webster County, Missouri Marriage Returns (Springfield, Missouri: Owens Printing Co., July 1979), Book I: 8; 12
Webster, Missouri, marriage register, A: 88, Francis McNelius-Jane Conner, 1858; Webster County Recorder of Deeds, Marshfield; 13
Josiah Evans and Jane Evans, his wife; Civil War Pension File; U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, College Park.
Otis Eldredge, SS no. 448-07-3650, 07 Jan 1938, Application for Account Number (Form SS-5), Social Security Administration, Baltimore, Maryland; Otis Eldredge lived on Route #3 in Davenport, Oklahoma and was unemployed. He was 55 on his last birthday as of the date of application and was born 26 Nov 1882 in Yale, Arkansas to Levi Thomas Eldredge and Effie O'Conner. He was a white male.
1920 U.S. census, Johnson, Arkansas population schedule, Mulberry, enumeration district (ED) 62, p. 3A, dwelling 22, family 24, Otis Eldrige; digital images, Ancestry (www.ancestry : accessed 22 Aug 2008); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T625, roll 68; 16
1930 U.S. census, Madison, Arkansas population schedule, Mulberry, enumeration district (ED) 19, p. 1B, dwelling 14, family 14, Effie Eldredge; digital images, Ancesty (www.ancestry.com : accessed 12 May 2009); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T626, roll 82; 17
1850 U.S. census, Edgar, Illinois population schedule, District Nineteen, dwelling 1402, family 1443, Otis Eldredge; digital images, Ancestry (www.ancestry); citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm M432, roll 105;
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88 24 Sept. 1858
State of Missouri
County of Webster
This is to certify that I did on the 24 day of September AD 1858 Solemnize the rights of matrimoney between Francis McNelius and Jane Conner at the County aforesaid.
Given under my bond
J. H. Conner, Justice of the Peace in [illegible], Webster, Mo.
File in the Record 23 Dec 1858. Recorded 24 Dec 1858.
John Foster Exofficio Recorder
Otis Eldrige is 37 and is married to Emma, age 34. They have nine children living with them: Chester, age 13, Esther, age 11, Desta, age 8, Elmer, age 6, Estell, age 4, Evertt, age 2, and Vester, age 3/12. He, Emma and the children were all born in Arkansas. His father, Levi, age 75, was born in Illinois and mother, Effie, age 63, was born in Missouri. Both are living with Otis and Emma. He was a farmer and could read and write.
Thirty two year old general farmer, Cicera Newman, is living with his wife, Ada, 31, daughter, Golda, 9, and aunt, Effie Eldredge, 75, in Mulberry, Madison County, Arkansas. Effie was born in Misouri, her father in Kentucky, and Mother in Tennessee. She could read and write.
Otis, 29 and born in Stark County, Ohio, was living with his wife, Catherine, 23 and born in Edgar County, Illinois, and children, Levi, 6 and born in Clark County, Illinois, Harvey, 2, Clarinda, 11 months, both born in Edgar County, Illinois. Leonard, 17, and Edmond Clapp, 13, laborers both born in Clark County, Illinois, were also living in the household. Otis owned $200 in real property. Catherine could not read or write. Leonard and Edmond had attended school in the last year.