Rachel Martin? Or TAYLOR?
(WFT Est 1746-WFT Est 1793)


Family Links

Stephen BROOKS

Rachel Martin? Or TAYLOR? 1

  • Born: WFT Est 1746-1771 1
  • Marriage: Stephen BROOKS before 1788 1
  • Died: WFT Est 1793-1860 at age 47 1

bullet  General Notes:


I think my family records, which of course could be mistaken, show Rachel
Martin as spouse, Dar Patriot index shows a Stephen Brooks with a spouse
of Rachel Taylor. Several possiblilites exist. One is that the Stephen
Brooks in the DAR Patriot Index is not my third great grandfather. One
is that he is and Martin was a mistake. Another is that Taylor is a
mistake. Another is that Rachel Taylor was born a Taylor, married a
Martin before marriage to my Stephen Brooks. Another is that she was
born a Martin, and married a Taylor before or after married to my Stephen
Brooks. I believe that in Gone to Georgia, it shows a widow, Rachel
Brooks, which I would have to double check, but at any rate it doesn't
tell us her maiden name, either Martin or Taylor, or some other.


bullet  Noted events in her life were:

• Christening. 1 See Notes


Rachel married Stephen BROOKS, son of John BROOKS and Unknown Lydia??? SMITH, before 1788.1 (Stephen BROOKS was born about 1762 in , , North Carolina (Probably) 1 and died WFT Est 1794-1853 1.)



1 Brooks.ged.

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