Erik Agnarsson
Hild Eriksdatter


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Oystein Halfdansson

Hild Eriksdatter

  • Marriage: Oystein Halfdansson

bullet  General Notes:

Marriage: Öystein Halfdansson
General Notes:
From "The Ynglinga Saga": "51. OF KING EYSTEIN'S DEATH. Eystein, Halfdan Hvitbein's son, became king after in Raumarike and Westfold. He was married to Hild, a daughter of Eric Agnarsson, who was king in Westfold. Agnar, Eric's father, was a son of Sigtryg, king in the Vend district. King Eric had no son, and died while King Halfdan Hvitbein was still in life. The father and son, Halfdan and Eystein, then took possession of the whole of Westfold, which Eystein ruled over as long as he lived. ..."
Hild married Öystein Halfdansson, son of Halvdan "Hvitbeinn" Olofsson and Åsa Eysteinsdatter.


Hild married Oystein Halfdansson, son of Halvdan "Hvitbeinn" Olofsson and Asa Eysteinsdatter.

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