Alfonso III el Grande of Asturia and Leon
- Born: 828-848
- Marriage: Jimena of Aragon in 877
- Died: 20 Dec 912, Zamora at age 84
General Notes:
Born: Between 838 and 848 Marriage: Jimena of Aragon in 877 Died: 20 Dec 912, Zamora about age 74 General Notes: Alfonso "den Store" kjempet i mer enn 30 felttog mot maurerne og utvidet sitt rike til alle kanter. De kostbare krigene tynget imidlertid folket, og hans egen sønn, Garcia, gjorde oppstand mot ham. Da sønnen ble overvunnet og fengslet, opphisset hans hustru sine sønner mot Alfonso, slik at han til slutt måtte avstå kronen til Garcia. Som sin sønns feltherre vant han enda en stor seier over maurerne før sin død.Av hans sønner fikk Garcia Leon, Ordogno Galicien og Fruela Asturien.Han ble bisatt i Astorga, men senere overført til Panteon._______________________________________Alfonso III (c.838 - December 20 c.910), surnamed the Great, was king of León from 866 to ca 910. Of him also nothing is really known except the bare facts of his reign and of his comparative success in consolidating the kingdom known as "of Galicia" or "of Oviedo" during the weakness of the Omayyad princes of Cordova. Upon his death his kingdom was divided among his 3 sons. The eldest son, Garcia became king of Leon but died shortly after in 914 without an heir. The second son Ordono reigned Galicia since 910 and León after Garcia's death. The youngest son Fruela received Asturias and became king of Asturias (or Oviedo as the capital was located there). The territory of Alphonso was once again united under him as Ordono died with children too young to ascend. Fruela did not enjoy his joint monarchy long as he passed away the next year. Ordono's eldest son Alfonso succeeded. Noted events in his life were: • He was a King of Asturia and Leon from 866 to 909. Alfonso married Jimena of Aragon in 877.
Alfonso married Jimena of Aragon in 877.