Prangarda of Canossa
- Marriage: Manfred I of Torino before 991
General Notes:
Marriage: Manfred I of Torino before 991 General Notes: Det finnes et dokument fra 991 ifølge hvilket "Maginfredus marchio, filius bone mem. Ardoini marchio, et Prangarda jugalibus filia bone memorie Adelberto marchio", i Pavia selger til en Diakonus Rambald "de plebe S. Donnini Burgo" visse gods. Det fremgår av samme dokument at Manfred lever etter salisk rett, mens Prangarda lever etter longobardisk. Noted events in her life were: • She was a Countess of Canossa. Prangarda married Manfred I of Torino, son of Arduin III Glabrio of Torino and Unknown, before 991. (Manfred I of Torino was born between 955 and 965 and died in 1001.)
Prangarda married Manfred I of Torino, son of Arduin III Glabrio of Torino and Unknown, before 991. (Manfred I of Torino was born in 955-965 and died in 1001.)