Ancilia of Lenzburg
- Marriage: Humbert I Biancomano of Savoy before 1023
General Notes:
Marriage: Humbert I Biancomano of Savoy before 1023 Another name for Ancilia is Ancilla. General Notes: She was living between 1023 and 1030.Hun nevnes i dokumenter fra 1023, 1025 og 1030. Hennes morfar var muligens en greve Bero i Argengau. Noted events in her life were: • She was a Countess of Lenzburg (Sveits). Ancilia married Humbert I Biancomano of Savoy, son of Berthold of Savoy and Unknown, before 1023. (Humbert I Biancomano of Savoy was born in 980 and died on1 Jul 1051.)
Ancilia married Humbert I Biancomano of Savoy, son of Berthold of Savoy and Unknown, before 1023. (Humbert I Biancomano of Savoy was born in 980 and died on 1 Jul 1051.)