Roger I the Great of Montgomery
Roger II of Montgomery
(Abt 1015-1094)


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Mabel of Belleme

Roger II of Montgomery

  • Born: Abt 1015
  • Marriage: Mabel of Belleme
  • Died: 27 Jul 1094, Shewsbury about age 79

bullet  General Notes:

Born: Cir 1015
Marriage: Mabel of Bellème
Died: 27 Jul 1094, Shewsbury at age 79
General Notes:
Han var sønn til Roger "den Store" som i 1035 var i landflyktighet i Paris for forræderi. Han hadde brødrene Hugh, Robert, William og Gilbert og var fetter til Wilhelm Erobreren som igjen var sønn til Robert "le Diable". Han var også fetter til Rolf av Mortimer og William Fitz Osbern. Roger var altså fra Normandie. Med sin første hustru, Mabel, ble han den første greve av Alençon. Robert roste seg av å være av ren normannisk rase. Som ung mann var han i 1048 med ved Domfront og var blandt dem som oppdaget Gotfred Marteis hurtige flukt. Han regnes som den største av normannernes hertuger. Hans eldste sønn ble ridder i 1073. Han var tilstede ved konciliet i Lillebonne i 1066. Ved invasjonen av England samme år bidro han med 60 skip. Han deltok i slaget ved Hastings, men kom tilbake til Normandie i 1067, og var sammen med Mathilde landets beskytter. Roger bygde to klostre i Troarn i Normandie. Det ene ble innviet 13.05.1059 til ære for den hellige Martin. I 1068 bygde han kirken St. Perre de Renémesnil. Han hjalp Robert mot Wilhelm Rufus, men kjempet med denne ved Rochester i 1088. Han var gift 2. gang med Adeliza, datter til Eberhard av Puiset. Roger grunnla Screwsbury Abbey 1083-87 og ble på sine gamle dager munk der. Ifølge "L'Abbaye de St.-Martin de Trovarn au diocèse de Bayeux" av R. N. Sauvage døde han 27.07.1095 i Shrewsbury. __________________________________ Roger of Montgomery, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury (d. 1094) was one of the great Anglo-Norman magnates in the period after the Norman conquest of England. He was the son of another Roger of Montgomery, who was a relative, probably a grandnephew, of duchess Gunnor, wife of duke Robert I of Normandy. The elder Roger had large holdings in central Normandy, chiefly in the valley of the Dives, which the younger Roger inherited. Roger was one of William the Conqueror's principal counselors. He did not fight in the initial invasion of England in 1066, instead staying behind to help govern Normandy. Afterwards he was entrusted with land in two places critical for the defense of England, receiving the Rape of Arundel at the end of 1067 (or in early 1068), and in November 1071 he was created Earl of Shrewsbury. (A few historians believe that while he received the Shropshire territories in 1071 he was not created earl until a few years later.) Roger was thus one of the half a dozen greatest magnates in England during William the Conqueror's reign. In addition to the large part of Sussex included in the Rape of Arundel, and seven-eights of Shropshire which were associated with the earldom of Shrewsbury, he had estates in Surrey, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Middlesex, Hertfordshire, Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, Cambridgeshire, Warwickshire and Staffordshire. After Williams's death in 1087, Roger had joined with other rebels to overthrow the newly crowned king William Rufus in the Rebellion of 1088. However William was able to convince Roger to abandon the rebellion and side with the king, which was fortuitious as the rebels were beaten and lost their land holdings in England. Roger first married Mabel of Bêlleme, who was heiress to a large territory on both sides of the border between Normandy and Maine. By her he had 10 children: Roger, died before 1066 Robert of Bellême, 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury Hugh of Montgomery, 2nd Earl of Shrewsbury Roger the Poitevin Philip, died 1099 while on crusade at Antioch Arnulf of Montgomery Emma, abbess of Almenchêches Matilda, who married Robert, Count of Mortain Mabel, who married Hugh of Châteauneuf-en-Thimerais Sibyl, who married Robert Fitzhamon Roger then married Adelaide of Le Puiset, by whom he had one son, Everard, who entered the Church. After his death, Roger's estates were divided. The eldest surviving son, Robert, received the bulk of the Norman estates (as well as his mother's estates); the next son, Hugh, received the bulk of the English estates and the earldom of Shrewsbury. After Hugh's death the elder son Robert inherited the earldom.
Noted events in his life were:
• He was an Earl of Shrewsbury and Arundel, Count of Montgomeri, Viscount of Exmes.
Roger married Mabel of Bellème, daughter of William II Talvas of Bellème and Unknown. (Mabel of Bellème was born circa 1018, died in 1082 near Bures-sur-Dines and was buried on 5 Dec 1082 in Troarn, Normandy, France.)


Roger married Mabel of Belleme, daughter of William II Talvas of Belleme and Unknown. (Mabel of Belleme was born about 1018, died in 1082 in Bures-sur-Dines and was buried on 5 Dec 1082 in Troam, Normandy, France.)

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