Hengest of Kent


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Hengest of Kent

  • Marriage: Unknown
  • Died: 488

bullet  General Notes:

Marriage: Unknown
Died: 488
Another name for Hengest was Hengist.
General Notes:
Hengest, brother of Horsa. Together they were legendary leaders of the first Anglo-Saxon settlers in Britain who went there, according to the English historian and theologian Bede, to fight for the British king Vortigern against the Picts between AD 446 and 454. The brothers are said to have been Jutes and sons of one Wihtgils. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle says that they landed at Ebbsfleet, Kent, and that Horsa was killed at Aegelsthrep (possibly Aylesford, Kent) in 455. Bede mentions a monument to him in east Kent; Horstead, near Aylesford, may be named for him. The Chronicle says that Hengist began to reign in 455 and that he fought against the Britons; it implies that Hengist died in 488. The historic kings of Kent traced their direct descent from Hengist, although the Kentish royal house was known as Oiscingas, from Hengist's son Oeric, surnamed Oisc (or Aesc), who is said to have reigned alone from 488 to 512.
Noted events in his life were:
• Acceded: 455. King of Kent


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