Jacob Leyenberger
(Abt 1700-) |
Jacob Leyenberger
The name "Lineberry" is a corruption of aGerman name. Various spellings include Leyenberger,Liujenburger, Lineberger, Leinberger, Lineburger, andLeinburger to name a few.The Lineberry family reportedly originated inBrunschweig, Germany. The immigrant ancestor of the Lineberryfamily of Orange, Guilford), Randolph and Chatham counties inNorth Carolina (and subsequently in many states), is believedto be Jacob Lineberry I (Luijunburger), b. between 1717-1724.This spelling and a birth date of 1724 was proposed by Olive H.Patterson, Pleasant Grove, UT in a 1969 letter.Jacob Lineberry (Leinburgher, Leyenberger) received agrant of 242 acres from Henry Eustace McCulloh on June 9, 1763in Orange County, NC. It is unclear whether this is the firstJacob or the second Jacob. Orange County was formed fromBladen, Johnston, and Granville Counties in 1752, Chatham andGuilford were formed from Orange (1770), and Randolph formed in1779.On Feb. 6, 1773, Jacob and CatherineLienburger/Lujenberger deeded Francis and George Linebarger 121acres each. This was part of the McCulloh land, and by thistime it lay in Guilford county. Jacob Lineberry, Sr. receiveda state grant for 240 acres, in Chatham Co., S. Fork of RockyRiver, part of which (24 acres) they deeded to Jacob Linberger,Jr. on Feb. 14, 1780. This land adjoined Jacob Lineberry'sland and James Youngblood,Another tract of 100 acres in Chatham county, a stategrant of March 3, 1779, adjoined David Fox, Matthew Jones, andvacant land. ![]() Jacob married Elizabeth. |
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