Empress Hildegarde of Vinzgau
(758-783) |
Empress Hildegarde of Vinzgau
Born: 758 Marriage: Charles I the Great, King of the Franks in 771 in Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen) Died: 30 Apr 783, Dudenhofen at age 25 Another name for Hildegarde was Hildegard of Swabia. General Notes: Hildegard of Savoy was the third wife of Charlemagne. She was the daughter of Gerald I of Savoy, Count of the Vinzgouw and Imma (Emma) of Allemania. ____________________________ Hildegard tilhørte gjennom sin mor, Imma, de gamle Schwabenhertugers hus. Hun var søster til Gerold, en bayersk markgreve som nød stor og velfortjent anseelse hos "Karl den Store" og Udalrich, som i 802 var greve i Argengau og Linzgau. Hun ledsaget Karl til Italien og Roma i 773-774. En av hennes døtre, Adelheid, ble født under Pavias beleiring foran byens porter. Hennes lykkelige ekteskap ble avbrutt ved hennes død 30.04.783 i Dudenhofen ved Mosel etter at hun hadde født Hildegard. I "Genealogische Tabellen" av Johann Hübner kalles hun datter til hertug Childebrand i Schwaben og Brandenburg og barnebarn til den alemanniske hertug Gotfred. Det siste sier von Dunkern er feil i "Aus dem Blute Widukinds". Hildegarde married Charles I the Great, King of the Franks, son of Pepin III the Short of the Franks and Bertrada of Laon, in 771 in Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen). (Charles I the Great, King of the Franks was born on 2 Apr 742 and died on 28 Jan 814 in Aix-la-Chapelle, or Aachen, Austrasia.) Marriage Notes: "Later he married a daughter of of Desiderius, King of the Lombards, at the instance of his mother; but he repudiated her at the end of a year for some reason unknown, and married Hildegard, a woman of high birth, of Suabian origin. He had three sons by her - Charles, Pepin and Louis -and as many daughters - Hruodrud, Bertha, and and Gisela. 1197 <../Sources.htm> ![]() Hildegarde married Charlemagne, son of King Pepin III the Short and Bertrada of Laon, about 771. (Charlemagne was born on 2 Apr 742 in Ingelheim, Rheinhessen, Hesse-Darmstadt, christened in 754 in St Denis, Paris, Seine, France, died on 28 Jan 814 in Aix ls Chapelle and was buried in Aachen Cathedral, Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia.) |
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